Charity Places for the Great North Run 2021
Would you like to compete in the Great North Run on 12 September 2021 to fundraise for the BDA?
We have 8 charity places available for runners who want to fundraise for the BDA and we’d love to have you on the team.
Please email the BDA fundraising team at for more details.
Please tell your friends about this opportunity.
Have You Got Your Own Place on the London Marathon or Big Half?
If you have entered the ballot and secured a London Marathon or Big Half place directly from the organisers and would like to run to raise funds for the BDA, please get in touch.
We can provide you with fundraising tips and links to training schedules, a branded T shirt and lots of moral support to help you get over the finish line.
Michelle Hunt used her London Marathon ballot place. Read her story here
We are so grateful for our resilient fundraisers for taking on a variety of challenges to support the work of the BDA. If the stories they tell below inspire you, please click here to find details of our current fundraising opportunities

Claire Weatherburn
We were very lucky to have a team of 7 dedicated volunteers completing the Great North Run (half marathon) on 8 September 2019. Thank you to: Aeron Jones , Terry McCombe , Eddie Gormley, Kate Reed,Michael Freeman, Michael Reed, and Claire Weatherburn. They have raised a total of £2,587.11 (excluding Gift Aid) for the BDA. You are all heroes!
"About a year ago my marathon - obsessed brother asked me to run with him in the Great North Run 2019.
Being a Geordie but now living in Dorset, how could I refuse??!!
As my brother has been deaf since he was born and worn bilateral hearing aids since he was 5, I decided to use this as an opportunity to raise some money for a charity which aims to improve the lives of children and adults in the same situation.
Thanks to the British Deaf Association I completed my first ever half marathon on Sunday 8th September and raised £380 for their wonderful charity.
My brother coached me in the months leading up to the race and although he can complete a half marathon in 1.27, we ran the race together.
He paced me, ran ahead to get me water from the drinks stations, fed me energy gels and got me across the finish line!
He even wore my BDA shirt for me because I was worried I'd be too hot in it but still wanted one of us to race in it!
It was an absolutely amazing experience and a beautiful day and I'd like to thank the BDA for giving me my place and for all their encouragement, advice and help.
Thank you also to my wonderful family and friends who sponsored so generously, sent us hundreds of good luck messages on the day and were there to cheer us home."

Helen Morgans-Wenhold and Áine Jackson
Helen and Áine completed the Great Scottish Run 10k, raising a combined total of £1,637 for the BDA
Helen's Story:
"As I waited for the race to begin, I had a smile on my face as I am sure you can see from the pictures taken that morning.
I had a great many reasons to smile that day, it was my first ever 10k run, I had put all of my time and effort in for a full year, training and preparing for this day.
And, I managed to raise a massive £980.70 (including Gift Aid) for the British Deaf Association.
Raising this money was very important to me, as I wanted to give something back to an amazing organisation who support Deaf people from all walks of life.
I have now caught a bug, the running bug and I plan to continue with many more 10k races in the pipe line. Who knows, I may even manage a half marathon or even a full marathon one day!
I have to give my thanks to the BDA for setting the challenge and creating this opportunity to prove to myself that I can do it! My finish time was 1:00:02 - yes, one hour and two seconds!
Also a HUGE THANKS thanks to everyone who sponsored me on my JustGiving page. To my family and friends who came on race day and provided the moral support I needed to get through, you all mean the world to me!
Thank you so much.
P.S. As you can see from the photo, Aine Jackson was my Team BDA partner, and raised £800 including Gift Aid.

"Hear Me Out” team from National Citizens Service (NCS)
On 16 July 2019, The “Hear Me Out” team from National Citizens Service (NCS) Derby Held a Bag-Packing Day at ASDA Spondon Derby to Raise £230.55
“Our bag packing experience was very rewarding. We went to ASDA Spondon in Derby, and half of us bag-packed on the tills whilst the rest of us stood at the shop exit. Whilst we were there we were able to speak to hundreds of people about our cause and collect many donations. People were shocked to hear that Derby has one of the largest deaf communities outside of London and were eager to donate to the British Deaf Association to help improve the lives of deaf people in Britain.
In total, we were able to raise around £230 from the day through the kind donations of the lovely ASDA shoppers. We are very grateful to everyone who supported our cause and for the opportunity to support the British Deaf Association.” - Katie Notley (on behalf of Hear Me Out)

Bradford Royal Infirmary - Pharmacy Department
Congratulations to the Pharmacy Department at Bradford Royal Infirmary, who celebrated Deaf Awareness Week by holding a cake sale in aid of British Deaf Association and raising an amazing £128!
"Our team included Shazia, who is profoundly deaf, and Becky and Chris who have two deaf children. Shazia chose to support the British Deaf Association because she wants to help give deaf children a better life. Early opportunities to use both BSL and English to learn to read should leave them less frustrated and make life easier at school than it was for Shazia.
Colleagues showed their support with lots of baking and eating! Even colleagues who were fasting for Ramadan bought cupcakes to take home. We all enjoyed ourselves and are now more educated about the struggles that deaf people face, particularly around reading and writing."

Michelle Hunt
Michelle completed the 2018 London Marathon and raised £2302.75 for the BDA
After entering the London Marathon ballot every year for the last six years, my persistence finally paid off! Inspired by my nephew Lewis, who is Deaf and an absolute star, I decided to use this opportunity to fundraise for the BDA. I am very proud of the money I have raised for such a worthwhile cause and I am also proud that I have managed to run a marathon.

Lianne Lusty
Lianne completed the 2018 London and raised £1894.50 for the BDA!
In January, I applied and was extremely lucky to be offered the only London Marathon Silver Bond runner’s place for the BDA. As a BSL/English Interpreter the BDA’s campaign for equality, access and freedom of choice for Deaf communities is also close to my own heart.
Whilst working, completing university assignments and looking after my two young children I have spent the last four months training at least three times a week in the rain, snow and very cold temperatures. I could not have done it without the support of my husband, family and friends and the BDA. It was all worth it when I ran the 26.2 miles on Sunday in what was the hottest recorded London Marathon to date.
I ran with a smile the entire race and the support of the crowds gave me that final push to keep going right to the end. Whilst making my way through Westminster tube station everyone stopped, cheered and applauded as I walked past. A very humbling experience and one I shall never forget.
I ran the race in 4 hours 54 minutes and have exceeded my fundraising target of £1500. I would like to thank everyone who has donated and given me words of encouragement and congratulations. It is an experience I would recommend to everybody, lots of hard work but also great fun and nothing compares with doing it to raise money for such a great cause.