Thank you
The BDA would like to thank all of our supporters for their recognition of the BDA’s work to counter the challenges encountered by Deaf communities across the UK. Thank you to all our individual supporters including our challenge event fundraisers, to those who have arranged collections for the BDA in memory of their loved ones, and to the generous donors who have left the BDA a gift in their Will.
We are also extremely grateful to the following trusts, foundations and statutory funders in funding BDA services for the benefit of Deaf people throughout the UK.
BBC Children in Need | Life Changes Trust | Smart Energy GB in Communities |
National Lottery Community Fund England | Loseley and Guildway Charitable Trust | Sir James Coleman Gift Trust |
National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland | Martin Connell Charitable Trust | Sir James Knott Trust |
National Lottery Community Fund Scotland | Masonic Charitable Foundation | Sir James Reckitt Charity |
National Lottery Community Fund Wales | Michael and Anna Wix Charitable Trust | Sir James Roll Charitable Trust |
Boshier-Hinton Foundation | Multithon trust | Susan H Guy Charitable Trust |
Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust | NHS Leicester Clinical Commissioning Group | The Charity of Stella Symons |
Corra Foundation | NHS Nottingham Clinical Commissioning Group | Verdon-Smith Family Charitable Settlement |
Debdale Trust | Northern Ireland Department for Communities | Welsh Government Section 64 |
Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner | Northern Ireland Health and Social Care board | |
Derbyshire Voluntary Action | Privy Purse Charitable Trust | |
DRILL Northern Ireland | Roger Raymond Charitable Trust | |
Jenour Foundation | Rest Harrow Trust | |
Lady Eda Jardine Charitable Trust | Scottish Government Equalities Unit |