Making a donation In Memory of a loved one to the BDA is a very personal way to pay your respects and to remember and celebrate the life of a loved one whose life has been impacted by deafness. In Memoriam donations are used by the BDA to improve the quality of support it is able to provide to Deaf children and adults across the UK. There are a number of ways in which you can make In-Memoriam donations:
Requesting Donations Instead of flowers
Pay tribute to your loved one by requesting donations to the BDA instead of flowers. The funeral director will usually be happy to help with the collection of donations and forwarding of donations to the BDA
By Post
When posting an In Memory cheque, please include your own name, address and the details of the person you are remembering so we can personally thank you. Please do not send any cash in the post. Cheques should be made payable to the British Deaf Association and sent to the BDA at the following address:
FAO Fundraising Administration Officer
British Deaf Association
St John’s Deaf Community Centre
258 Green Lanes
London N4 2HE
Make an online In Memory donation or create an In Memory tribute page
You can make a simple online donation in memory of your loved one on the BDA Just Giving page, or by making a donation using the donation button on the BDA website, and providing your loved one’s details in the comments section of the donation page.
You can also honour your loved one by setting up a tribute page and inviting friends and family to make a donation and to leave and share personal messages of remembrance. This too can be done on the BDA’s Just Giving page at