Combating loneliness through British Sign Language (BSL) England

The BDA would like to express our gratitude to the UK Government’s Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport because we were fortunate to be awarded a grant from them to deliver a valuable project on combating Loneliness for Deaf people across England. 

There were three elements to this project which was to host and run a series of monthly live streamed events on BDA’s Facebook on various aspects of loneliness, secondly to create three BSL information videos and thirdly to visit Deaf schools, Deaf clubs and Deaf community groups across England.

As part of this project, the BDA have delivered a series of live streamed events on different aspects of loneliness, how to reduce the feeling of loneliness and what support is available for Deaf people if they are feeling lonely.   The links to the live streamed events that were hosted on Facebook can be found below.

We also have commissioned 3 BSL translated videos about loneliness. 

  • Definitions of Loneliness
  • How to cope with Loneliness
  • Top Ten Tips to reduce Loneliness

These videos may help you understand loneliness and how to cope if you are feeling lonely.

The BDA, as part of this project, have visited 14 different Deaf clubs, Deaf community groups and Deaf schools across England to present information about loneliness in BSL to a variety of Deaf people and Deaf young people in person.  The BDA has directly shared this information with approximately 300 Deaf people this way. 

The BDA have been astounded at how many Deaf people of all ages and especially how many Deaf men have been willing to share their individual experiences of loneliness and the reasons for this.  The responses from participants have been noted and included in the end of project report which will be shared with the UK Government’s Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport who funded this valuable project.

If you wish any further information about this project or wish to discuss anything related to this project please contact Robin Ash, BSL Equality and Rights Co-ordinator on the contact details below:

SMS: 07814387251


Robin Ash - BDA

Robin Ash
BSL Equality and Rights Co-ordinator

What is Loneliness?

Live Streams