Our BDA officer, Robin Ash, visited Solihull Deaf Feelgood Group on Thursday 11 November to deliver an information session about Smart Meters.
BSL Charter
North East Derbyshire District Council signs BSL Charter
North East Derbyshire District Council has become the first district council in the UK to sign the British Sign Language Charter.
Cardiff and Vale UHB sign BSL Charter
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has become the first NHS health board in Wales to sign the British Deaf Association’s British Sign Language Charter.
Belfast City Council Signs the BSL/ISL Charter
Belfast City Council has today become the first Northern Ireland council to sign up to the British/Irish Sign Language Charter, committing to promote better access to public services for Deaf communities.
BDA Derbyshire Crime Project
What is classed as an emergency and the difference to a non-emergency situation when using text message to the police.
BDA delighted by passing of British Sign Language motion at City Hall
New Charter will mean better access and rights for Deaf BSL users in London.