The British Deaf Association has campaigned for 120 years on the rights of Deaf people and sign language users.
Working with BSL interpreters
If you are communicating through a sign language interpreter there are some simple things you can do to make the conversation as natural as possible.
BSL (Scotland) Bill Stage 3 to take place – Get your tickets
Stage 3 of the BSL (Scotland) Bill will take place on Thursday 17 September 2015 at 2.30pm at The Scottish Parliament.
Policy positioning statements
[ Contents to be added soon ]
British Sign Language (Scotland) Bill – Stage 3
The detailed process of BSL (Scotland) Bill – Stage 3 including BSL video.
Official Launch of “Legal Status for BSL and ISL” Report
As part of the BDA’s Sign Language Week 2014 “Strengthening Our Rights”, we will launch a report on “Legal Status for BSL and ISL”at the BDA’s BSL Symposium on 18th March 2014