If you are a student, you will know all too well how important it is to save money where you can. You may be living on your own and managing your own budget for the first time.
CV Writing Tips
CVs are very valuable and important because they are maybe the only direct communication you get with an employer so it’s important to have a well-written CV to show your best side. Your CV is an opportunity to make a big impact on a potential employer
GCSE in BSL could be introduced in the UK
A GCSE in British Sign Language (BSL) could be introduced in the UK before the next general election after the Government’s Department for Education (DfE) reversed a decision to delay any new qualifications.
Frank Barnes School – Family Fun Day
Come along to Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children’s annual Family Day at the British Library on the 22nd September from 12-4pm. Suitable for the whole family!
Scottish BSL National Plan unveiled
Follow on from today’s Ministerial statement at the Scottish Parliament, an ambitious national plan for British Sign Language has been unveiled which will ensure deaf and deafblind BSL users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life.
BDA Scotland chats to Rachel O’Neill
BDA Scotland chats to Rachel O’Neill, Programme Director of MSc Inclusive Education – University of Edinburgh