Bipolar disorder is mental illness which affects around 2% to 3% of the population. It affects both men and women equally. It is characterised by people experiencing severe mood swings ranging from depression to mania. However, people will often have long periods of stability in between episodes of illness.
Health and well-being – Resources in BSL
A valuable resources on health and wellbeing for BSL users and Deaf people.
Health – Dementia (NI)
The British Deaf Association (BDA) NI, in partnership with Alzheimers Society NI, have produced an innovative DVD designed for people who are Deaf or have hearing loss.
BDA in Chest Heart Stroke Scotland Staff Newsletter
Katie Mowat from BDA Scotland met with Lorna Stevenson and Juliet MacKellaig from Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) on the 27th of July 2015.
Health Questionnaire for Scotland (BSL)
Vimeo Video Katie Mowat’s message for Deaf people of Scotland I would like to ask you all with 10 questions about your experience of Health Services in Scotland – please see my BSL video above. If you are interested to explain to me about your experience – please kindly contact me – details as follows: […]
New NSPCC video will help keep deaf children safe from sexual abuse
The NSPCC is launching a video version of its successful Underwear Rule guidance today to help keep deaf children safe from sexual abuse.