Improving access for Deaf people who visit tourist attractions.
Guide to Reasonable Adjustment for Employers of Deaf People
Equality law recognises that bringing about equality for disabled people may mean changing the way in which employment is structured, the removal of physical barriers and/or providing extra support for a disabled worker.
Northern Ireland launches Alcohol One Drink Too Many DVD
BDA Northern Ireland launched the Alcohol One Drink Too Many DVD at Stormont on 13th March.
Alcohol awareness DVD for Deaf Community in Northern Ireland
The BDA Northern Ireland launches Alcohol One Drink Too Many today. This resource, funded by the Public Health Agency, produced in British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign Language (ISL), with voice-over and subtitles, is aimed at members of the Deaf community.
PRESS RELEASE – Big Lottery Fund (NI)
The BDA Northern Ireland are pleased to announce that they have been awarded £348,934 for their Deaf Roots and Pride Project through the Big Lottery Fund (NI).