Today, BDA Scotland is proud to be launching a new set of video clips in BSL called “Hate Crime and How to Report It”. The research shows that some Deaf people experienced Hate Crime at least four times in their lifetime. This information is extracted from BDA Scotland’s latest research report that is yet to be released – Access & Inclusion: A Report on Hate Crime in Scotland’s Deaf Community (March 2015).
Helen Morgans-Wenhold, BDA Scotland’s Hate Crime Officer, said: “It is very important to encourage Deaf people to report Hate Crime to Police Scotland. We must not put up with Hate Crime motivated by negative attitude towards Deaf people. Deaf people as individuals must speak up. This project is funded by the Scottish Government and enables us to train, support and guide Deaf individuals to learn and understand the meaning of Hate Crime and empower them to report incidents to Police Scotland or a Third Party Reporting Centre.”
See BSL video clips – “Hate Crime and how to report it”