Following the BSL Act legally recognising BSL as a language of England, Scotland and Wales which 151,000 people use, the Government have announced recruitment plans to join their BSL Advisory Board which will see BSL users advising the government on key issues impacting the Deaf community.
BSL Act 2022 update
he BSL Act Now! Campaign was led by the British Deaf Association (BDA), working collaboratively with other deaf organisations such as RNID, Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD), Signature, Institute of British Sign Language (iBSL), SignHealth, the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS),
Livestream Event at Westminster
Since we are not able to physically gather together on the 27th of April for the 3rd Reading by House of Lord to (hopefully) celebrate an historical event, we will do a Livestreaming event instead.
Due to the growing numbers who have registered to attend the BSL Rally on Friday 18 March, we have decided to move it from Parliament Square Garden to Trafalgar Square. The date and time (11.30am – 2.30pm) remain unchanged.
#BSLActNow! Campaign Update
Here is a short video to tell you what happened yesterday regarding the result of the Private Members’ Bill Ballot. Let’s hope one of them will introduce #BSL Bill.
Enough is Enough – ACT NOW!
BDA (NI) would like to invite you to join us to celebrate International Week of the Deaf. The theme this year is ‘Sign Language Rights for all!’