City of Wolverhampton Council first council to achieve Pledge 2 status in BDA Charter
BSL Charter news
BDA Derbyshire Crime Project
What is classed as an emergency and the difference to a non-emergency situation when using text message to the police.
Derby Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust won the Best Accessibility Initiative award
BDA congratulates Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the local deaf community for their well-deserved award.
BDA delighted by passing of British Sign Language motion at City Hall
New Charter will mean better access and rights for Deaf BSL users in London.
Greater London Assembly to sign BDA’s BSL Charter?
The Greater London Assembly (GLA) will be debating a motion on proposal for BDA’s BSL Charter to be signed.
NHS Nottingham City signed the BDA’s BSL Charter at Notts Deaf Society
BDA’s BSL Charter signed to demonstrate their commitment.