Representatives from Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust have signed up to a Charter pledging to improve access to health services for deaf people.
BSL Charter news
BSL Charter motion to be proposed to the London Assembly
Motion for the London Assembly to call on the Mayor to sign up to the BSL Charter on behalf of the GLA.
Notts City CCG to sign the BDA’s BSL Charter
Nottingham City CCG have decided to sign the BDA’s BSL Charter.
NHS Accessible Info Standards & Deaf Charter meeting – Stafford
Meeting organised by Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent Partnership NHS Trust.
Birmingham City Council commits to BSL Charter
Council has committed to signing up to The British Sign Language (BSL) Charter during a ceremony.
Leicester City Council and Leicester CCG agreed to sign the BDA’s BSL Charter
Leicester City Council and Leicester CCG have agreed to sign the BDA’s BSL Charter.