Belfast City Council has today become the first Northern Ireland council to sign up to the British/Irish Sign Language Charter, committing to promote better access to public services for Deaf communities.
Deaf Advisory Group for Justice – N.I
The BDA NI has a new project that aims to ‘Enhance Deaf People’s Communication Access to Justice’ in Northern Ireland and will work in partnership with Queen’s University (Belfast), Syracuse University College of Law and Rowan University College of Education (United States).
PIP – What you need to know
The British Deaf Association (NI) is pleased to announce that they will be holding a series of six specially arranged PIP Road Shows for Deaf Sign Language Users.
SDLP welcomes PIP changes for deaf
The SDLP’s Deputy Leader, Nicola Mallon, has issued a press release welcoming changes made to the PIP assessment process for deaf applicants.
Irish Sign Language to be officially recognised
Today, in a landmark moment, legislation for an Irish Sign Language Act has passed through the Oireachtas (legislature of the Irish Republic). The ‘Irish Sign Language for the Deaf Community’ Bill, which was put forward by Fíanna Fáil Senator Mark Daly, will be signed into law in the coming days by President Michael D Higgins
BDA NI meet political parties on SL Rights
Dr. Terry Riley OBE, Majella McAteer, John Carberry MBE and Brian Symington today met with 3 of the main political parties in Stormont to discuss ongoing work in regards to putting Sign Language on the political agenda.