The Victoria Derbyshire programme and the BDA highlight crisis of communication for Deaf people in hospitals. Deaf people are routinely being let down in hospitals through lack of language access, a Victoria Derbyshire exposé has today revealed.
Equality Act
Deaf Advisory Group for Justice – N.I
The BDA NI has a new project that aims to ‘Enhance Deaf People’s Communication Access to Justice’ in Northern Ireland and will work in partnership with Queen’s University (Belfast), Syracuse University College of Law and Rowan University College of Education (United States).
Calls to restore the Access to Elected Office Fund
The BDA welcomes a new petition to restore the Access to Elected Office Fund by More United, fronted by former BDA director David Buxton alongside Emily Brothers and Simeon Hart.
WFD & WASLI- Use of Signing Avatars
WFD and WASLI have jointly developed a statement to express their concern about the way in which decisions on where and when to use signing avatars as a form of access to spoken or written content is being managed by public authorities.
Meeting with CAPITA PIP assessors
On Tuesday 6th March, the BDA were invited to give a short presentation to the CAPITA PIP assessors at Fort Dunlop Birmingham.
PIP – What you need to know
The British Deaf Association (NI) is pleased to announce that they will be holding a series of six specially arranged PIP Road Shows for Deaf Sign Language Users.