Huntington’s disease is a condition that stops parts of the brain working properly over time. It’s passed on (inherited) from a person’s parents.
Practical Information
Switching Energy Suppliers
To help you to save money, it’s a good idea to regularly check price comparison sites to ensure you are getting the best price. Energy Saving Trust recommends the Citizen Advice Bureau’s Comparison Tool to find the best deal.
Drink Aware – Recommendations
The Chief Medical Officers’ guideline for both men and women states that: To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis
Food Safety & Hygiene
How to clean hands, equipment and surfaces to prevent harmful bacteria from spreading onto food. Effective cleaning removes bacteria on hands, equipment and surfaces, helping to stop harmful bacteria from spreading onto food.
Change 4 Life
The NHS advises that kids need to be active for 60 minutes a day. This information is shown on a section of the NHS website called ‘Change 4 Life’. It’s a great website where you can find a wide range of different information.
The Flu Vaccine
Recieving a flu vaccine can help protect adults and children at risk of flu and its complications.