BDA Scotland’s DRP Transitions project were delighted to work with Veterinary Nurse Assistant, Julie Beckett, to deliver specialist workshops about veterinary care to P3-P7 classes at St Roch’s Primary and S1-S6 classes at St Roch’s Secondary in Glasgow.
Dementia Action Week 2022
This week, the BDA is supporting Dementia Action Week 2022, a national campaign led by the Alzheimer’s Society.
From 16-22 May, we will be highlighting the unique social, cultural and linguistic needs of Deaf British Sign Language signers living with dementia.
DRP Role Models & Recycling Workshop
The BDA’s Deaf Roots and Pride (DRP) project delivered a Deaf Role Models & Recycling workshop at St Roch’s Primary School in Glasgow.
Jock Young Award Winner 2021
BDA Scotland went to St Roch’s Secondary School to present the Jock Young Award to Lewis Eugene Maguire.
BDA Scotland launches BSL Helpline
BDA Scotland is offering a new BSL Helpline to assist Deaf people in Scotland with information, advice and support relating to councils and the NHS.
BDA Scotland interviewed on BBC
Avril Hepner from BDA Scotland was recently interviewed on BBC Scotland’s – ‘The Nine’ programme to talk about issues with Channel 4’s lack of subtitles in their programming schedule.