BDA Scotland's DRP Transitions project were delighted to work with Veterinary Nurse Assistant, Julie Beckett, to deliver specialist workshops about veterinary care to P3-P7 classes at St Roch’s Primary and S1-S6 classes at St Roch’s Secondary in Glasgow.
During the workshops, young Deaf pupils learned about Julie’s story on how she became a Veterinary Nurse. Julie shared useful information about how to properly look after and care for animals, and what to look out for if they are feeling poorly.
Later, young Deaf people had the chance to learn all about veterinary nursing practices, like how to use bandages, give injections, and the different equipment Veterinary Nurses use on sick animals.
The BDA Scotland would like to thank both schools for working with us to provide these opportunities to young Deaf people. We were amazed by the pupils' willingness to contribute and share their thoughts and questions.
DRP Transitions Scotland would like to say a big thank you to Julie Beckett for being a great Deaf role model.
Also thanks to the Robertson Trust for funding this project.