Hello, Diane Morton here.
I have a new role now as Give Me BSL officer, based here in Glasgow. I’m working with deaf and hearing families who have a deaf child aged between 8 and 21. The project is funded by Scottish government and covers the central belt.
My job is to signpost people, and provide advocacy and support to families. If parents need any information relating to their child or want to know more about particular subject I can support them in that.
We also provide family taster signing sessions delivered in people’s homes - a tutor will visit your home and teach some sign language to the whole family. We are currently planning a series of events which will take place in the coming months, covering the topics parents most want to know about.
If you want contact details for the BDA for this project, you can find them below. Please do get in touch. I hope to meet you all soon.
Thank you for watching!
Email: givemebsl.scot@bda.org.uk