Ever since 2009, the International Week of Deaf People has been celebrated every year across the world during the last week of September, under the leadership of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). The aim of the week is to raise global awareness of issues particularly or disproportionately affecting Deaf communities.
This year’s campaign runs from 19-25 September 2022. Its theme is “Building Inclusive Communities For All”.
The British Deaf Association, as the only Deaf-led charity in the UK, represents the 87,000 Deaf people whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language.
Our mission is to protect, preserve and promote BSL now and for future generations of Deaf people.
While we are delighted that we were successful earlier this year in persuading Parliament to recognize BSL in law as a language of Great Britain, there is still a great deal more to do to achieve full inclusion for Deaf people in the UK.
We expect full and equal access to public information and services, including education, physical and mental health and employment.
We want to actively contribute to society. While we can now take part in juries for the first time, there are still too many barriers preventing our full participation and engagement in society and the democratic process.
Last but not least, we demand respect for our beautiful, unique, visual British Sign Language and Deaf culture.
The BDA will not rest until we have made those ambitions a reality.
In the meantime, I would like to wish you all a very happy International Week of the Deaf.