The salary is £12 per hour and the number of hours will vary each week. The work is within the Central Belt – that’s across Glasgow, Falkirk, Edinburgh and Ayrshire.
The DEADLINE is 4pm, Thursday 26th January 2017.
Interviews will be held on 7th and 8th February in Glasgow. There will then be a group interview which will take place on 15th February.
Successful candidates will be given training in Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults and training in Mentoring.
For more information, please do contact me via FaceTime, email or come in and see me at the BDA Scotland office.
Thank you.
Toni George – Mentoring Officer
Contact details:
SMS/FaceTime: 07814 675589.
Please email Lesley Winning for application forms –
Alternatively click on the links below to download:
Mentor Role Description (MS Word)
Personal Specification (MS Word)
Application form (MS Word)
Supplementary form (MS Word)