The information in this video is for young people in work, or looking to get into work, those starting a new job, or those applying for jobs. Perhaps you are concerned about communication, or worried about how you will fit in.
Access to Work
Interview with Deaf Barber, Darren
Darren, a Deaf barber from Glasgow tells us about his journey from college into employment and the importance having the correct support in place. Darren explains how he got his first job as a barber and how he communicates with his customers (both Deaf customers and hearing customers).
Calls to restore the Access to Elected Office Fund
The BDA welcomes a new petition to restore the Access to Elected Office Fund by More United, fronted by former BDA director David Buxton alongside Emily Brothers and Simeon Hart.
Deaf man to pursue AtW case in courts
The British Deaf Association can report that a Deaf senior executive is taking legal action following implementation of the Access to Work cap.
Join the march – Stop Changes to Access to Work
We are supporting the Stop Changes to Access to Work
march on Saturday 25th September 2015.
Government reluctant to legally recognise BSL, says disability minister
The minister said the government has no appetite to legally recognise BSL as a minority language.