Text transcript of BSL video presented by David Buxton – BDA Director of Campaigns & Communications:
We are supporting the ‘Stop Changes to Access to Work’ march (Saturday 25 September 2015) because we believe the Department of Work and Pensions’ process has led to many decisions which will put Access to Work Deaf applicants and British Sign Language (BSL) users at a disadvantage.
We at the British Deaf Association (BDA) want to show solidarity with those members of the Deaf community who are being negatively and unfairly affected by these changes.
From our community’s feedback, we can see that restricting support budgets, cutting hours and imposing unrealistic ceilings on interpreters’ fees are making it even more difficult for Deaf BSL users in employment. It’s concerning that the jobs of many Deaf BSL users, whose support needs now cannot be met, could be at risk.
“We’re encouraged to see the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson, campaigning against these Access to Work changes and hope other MPs will also listen to the Deaf community’s needs. The BDA is currently researching the effects of the new cap policy on any new Deaf applicants and hope the government will be open to listening to our findings,” said Dr Terry Riley OBE, Chair of the British Deaf Association.
More information about joining for AtW march on tomorrow (Saturday 25 September 2015) – see third party’s website – ‘Stop Changes to AtW‘ and their Facebook event section.