The BDA Board of Trustees have accepted Asif Iqbal resignation forthwith from the BDA Board of Trustees and we thank him for his term as a trustee.
British Sign Language
BDA Scotland welcomes new Dementia Officer
BDA Scotland’s Avril Hepner chats to our new Access & Inclusion (Dementia) Officer, Lucy Clark, about her role within Scotland’s new 3 year Dementia project
Asif Iqbal resigns from BDA Board of Trustees
The BDA Board of Trustees have accepted Asif Iqbal resignation forthwith from the BDA Board of Trustees and we thank him for his term as a trustee.
BSL Featured in Channel 4 Political Slot
On the 7th September, the bill of the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Social Solidarity was passed by the Greek Government to incorporate provisions for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities into official state law.
Reporting errors surround BSL ‘Google Doodle’
Today, the British Deaf Association welcomed the Google Doodle and linked video relating to British Sign Language, the Deaf community, and Braidwood’s Academy, but are disappointed that the poor quality of media coverage means that this gesture has fallen short.
What does the BDA mean to you?
A BSL video with short messages from the whole Deaf community.