A GCSE in British Sign Language (BSL) could be introduced in the UK before the next general election after the Government’s Department for Education (DfE) reversed a decision to delay any new qualifications.
Legal status of BSL
WFD & WASLI- Use of Signing Avatars
WFD and WASLI have jointly developed a statement to express their concern about the way in which decisions on where and when to use signing avatars as a form of access to spoken or written content is being managed by public authorities.
Irish Sign Language to be officially recognised
Today, in a landmark moment, legislation for an Irish Sign Language Act has passed through the Oireachtas (legislature of the Irish Republic). The ‘Irish Sign Language for the Deaf Community’ Bill, which was put forward by Fíanna Fáil Senator Mark Daly, will be signed into law in the coming days by President Michael D Higgins
Deaf man to pursue AtW case in courts
The British Deaf Association can report that a Deaf senior executive is taking legal action following implementation of the Access to Work cap.
BDA NI meet political parties on SL Rights
Dr. Terry Riley OBE, Majella McAteer, John Carberry MBE and Brian Symington today met with 3 of the main political parties in Stormont to discuss ongoing work in regards to putting Sign Language on the political agenda.
Scottish BSL National Plan unveiled
Follow on from today’s Ministerial statement at the Scottish Parliament, an ambitious national plan for British Sign Language has been unveiled which will ensure deaf and deafblind BSL users are fully involved in all aspects of daily and public life.