Video Updates
VIDEO UPDATE – DAY 1 – 20/07/2016:
Promotion Video
UPDATE – 26/07/2017: A collection for the London to Paris Charity Bike Challenge was taken up from all that attended the BDA Congress in Torquay from the 20th to 24th July 2016. A total of £244.86 has been raised. Thank you to all that contributed to help the BDA raise funds, and a special thank you to the riders who have taken part in the Bike ride.
Please help the BDA in their 125th year raising much-needed funds for the following project “Deaf Roots & Pride” after its successful pilot in Northern Ireland, rolling out to the rest of the United Kingdom.
This project will pay for mentors to visit and support deaf children, young people and their families at home. The cost is £70,000 a year for the next 2 years. They have already raised about £40,000 leaving a shortfall of £30,000 a year.
Your help in raising funds for this. Deaf children and young people will have the opportunity to receive mentoring support from other Deaf peers who are positive role models, get help to improve their own self-esteem, develop skills in breaking down communication barriers and explore opportunities/options to make best decisions for themselves. Mentors will receive accredited mentoring training and will be Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked (previously ‘Criminal Records Bureau’ – CRB).
The London to Paris Charity Bike Ride will be a massive challenge for our team of four female riders. It will involve 4 days of cycling and covers just under 300 miles (averaging 75 miles a day). Training is now well underway.
Let’s meet our BDA Bike Team and you can give your support with donation directly to them!
Donate via Abbie’s JustGiving – click here | BRON Donate via Bron’s JustGiving – click here |
CARO Donate via Caro’s JustGiving – click here |
WENDY Donate via Wendy’s JustGiving – click here |
For more information and interested riders – please click here.