We were extremely concerned to learn that this excellent specialist deaf unit in Islington is under threat for what appears to be purely budgetary reasons. Parents are rightly up in arms, and they must be listened to; they know what is right for their children, because they can see the benefits of their children being surrounded by their deaf peers every day, and learning in a language that is accessible to them.
Deaf children have every right to reach their full academic potential, just like their hearing peers. But so many are denied that chance by being placed in school environments that are simply not suited to their needs.
Laycock Primary is renowned across the UK for its Deaf provision, and we have seen many deaf children benefit from their support. It would be a real tragedy to withdraw that crucial support and leave Deaf children to struggle in mainstream classes. It would have a knock-on effect for those children which would last a lifetime.
I will be writing to the headteacher, Ms Lazarczyk, to urge her to put the future of her school’s Deaf pupils ahead of short-term financial considerations.
Please sign the petition: https://democracy.islington.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=31
More information about the parents' protest can be found on The Guardian newspaper here: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/dec/14/parents-of-deaf-pupils-at-london-school-stage-protest-over-cuts
Abigail Gorman,
BDA’s Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees