Text transcript of BSL video:
This will take place on 22nd March 2016 from 5pm-8pm. The AMs will be there from 6pm onwards.
c/o The National Assembly for Wales,
Cardiff Bay,
CF99 1NA
The event is sponsored by Mike Hedges AM.
If you require a disabled parking space please let us know in advance.
Arrive between
Assembly Members will join us after the conclusion of daily Assembly business.
Questions will be answered at the event.
Please let James Barnes-Miller know whether you would like to attend by 3rd March to either:
Email: participation.wales@bda.org.uk or michelle.fowler-powe@bda.org.uk (This is because of the security protocols in Welsh Government buildings).
We would be grateful if you could also let the members of your Deaf Clubs know about this.