DRP East Midlands organised an event at Laser Quest. This event was organised and led by one young person on our DRP team, which has boosted his confidence in organising events for Deaf young people. He has never done anything like this before he joined BDA’s Deaf Roots and Pride project.
The outing was attended by 11 Deaf young people with various backgrounds from East Midlands. We visited Megazone Derby and split into two teams for the first game (red vs. greens). For the second game, it was decided to have the teams split into Young People VS Staff.
...Guess what?! The young people won! Much to the disappointment of the staff!
After laser quest, we all visited McDonald’s and had the opportunity to order food through an NRCPD registered BSL/English Interpreter.
The young people learnt how to deal with communicating through a BSL interpreter to a member of staff in McDonalds who had never met a Deaf person, or used a BSL interpreter before. At end of day, everyone certainly enjoyed themselves!
Sean Noone, Mentoring Officer said:
“We all had a great laugh at Laser Quest and then we were signing away and chatting at McDonald, after.
On a serious note, it is important to see Deaf young people getting along and mixing with one another- learning about each other’s cultures (as the group is made up of young people from various backgrounds and schools).
All the credit has to go to the young person who worked hard to make sure this event was a success with the help of his mentor. I couldn’t really describe how proud I am to see how much he has changed, since the first time I met him last year. He has certainly become a more confident young man, and has gained knowledge which he will use into his adulthood, in a few years’ time.
I believe that we see the growth and development of these Deaf young people because he has been able to meet his positive Deaf role model (Mentor) who shows him how to get things done as a Deaf person.
My view as a national qualified youth worker, it is very crucial for young Deaf people to meet Deaf people outside from their box and to learn how to use interpreters in a new environment. This can break down barriers for themselves, and empower them to not be embarrassed of being Deaf.
We need to do encourage, support and empower Deaf young people to become tomorrow’s leader. It’s important to remember that Deaf young people are our future. They need us as much as we need them
With special thanks to Children in Need for making this as happened. Finally, a big round of applause goes to the Deaf young person who organised this excellent event!”
The next event for DRP East Midlands is the Gaming Experience! on Thursday 8th August 2019 in Derby.
If your child/young person is interested to attend, please contact Sean Noone via email at terry.brand@bda.org.uk
(Limited space: 15 young people, first come, serve first basis)