Text transcript of the BSL video above:
Chris Coles: Hello and welcome to the Angel Hotel. This is where the Welsh Rally is taking place, to celebrate the BDA’s 125 year anniversary. The tickets for the event will be £25 which includes a 3 course meal and a drinks reception. The dress code for the event is smart, tie or bow tie. If you prefer not to wear a dress, you can wear trousers and a top instead. The main thing is the dress code is smart. See you here!
Dafydd Eveleigh: This event is a masked theme, it is entirely up to you if you wish to wear a mask. We would like as many people as possible to wear masks as it will be fun. There is a prize for the best mask!
Michelle Fowler-Powe: Oh hello everyone! In that room is where the drink reception will be held. All looks very exciting and beautiful! Would you like to have a look? Unfortunately the only way to see it is to come along in person.
Stuart Parkinson: Hello, this is a beautiful room and it is where the dinner will be held. There will also be games and activities. We will see you here!
Dafydd Eveleigh: Oh hello! Hush! There is going to be a surprise! Do you want to know what is behind the curtain? You have to be here to find out! I’ll see you here!