Text transcript for BSL video:
Welcome to the BDA
We are here at Leicester City Council’s City Hall; such a beautiful building with a lot of history portrayed on the wall behind me, there will be another addition as part of history linked to you the Deaf Community. That’s why we are here.
The BDA are very pleased to announce that Leicester City Council and Leicester Clinical Commissioning Group – CCG, who are responsible for NHS services – they have agreed to sign the BDA’s BSL Charter.
They have arranged for the signing ceremony to be held at City Hall on Tuesday 1st December. The event will start at 5pm and finish at 7pm. They would like to invite you all, the Deaf Community who live in Leicester City, to come along and see the signing of the BSL Charter. This will prove their commitment to equality for people who live in Leicester.
The plan for the event will be some speakers talking about the BSL Charter and some information stalls. There will be refreshments and an opportunity to talk to other people.
There are BSL Interpreters booked for the event.
If you want to come along please let us know either through contacting the various groups within Leicester City or Leicester Deaf Action Group at Frog Island or Leicester over 50’s group or the BDA or Leicester City Council to say that you wish to attend to see this auspicious occasion.
For the address of the venue please see the enclosed address, Leicester City Council, City Hall, 115 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FZ.
You are all welcome to see this very special event for Leicester.
To see Leicester City Council and Leicester CCG signing the BSL Charter, this will mean the East Midlands are covered.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Robin Ash
Access & Inclusion (BSL Charter) Officer – Midlands
Community Development
Email: robin.ash@bda.org.uk