Text transcript from video:
Happy New Year.
The BDA would like to give you a BSL Charter Update for the East Midlands.
We were very proud to see Derby City Council sign six pledges from the BSL Charter and similar from the Hard of Hearing Community and this is now called the ‘Derby Commitment’. This was signed in September last year. We then saw Leicestershire County Council sign 2 pledges from the BSL Charter. They are ‘Access to Information and Services’ and ‘Consulting with the Deaf Community’. This was done at the Council House in November last year. Then on the 8th January this year we went to Nottingham to witness Nottingham City Council and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust both signing the Charter in front of the Deaf Community at Nottingham Deaf Centre.
There are now four authorities that have signed up to the Charter. We should really celebrate this and commend them all.
People have been asking what will happen next now that they have signed the charter? The BDA along with the Deaf community groups will start to consult with the Councils and the Hospital to make sure that the BSL Charter outcomes are looked at. What each has already achieved and what is needed to improve. We will be creating an Action Plan which will last for 3 years. We need to look at which areas need improvement and to do this alongside the Deaf communities views – we do have to consider budgetary constraints.
If you have any experiences about accessing services from these councils or the hospital and are not sure who to tell – please tell us (BDA) or your local community groups.
The BDA are looking at other public services and hoping to encourage them to sign the Charter and if they do decide to sign we will let you know.
So from the BDA we would like to congratulate Derby City Council, Leicestershire County Council, Nottingham City Council and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust for signing up to the BSL Charter and also committing to working with the Deaf community. Well done everyone.
Thank you.