Vimeo Video
Text transcript of BSL video:
BDA Scotland was keen to respond to this important review and in our formal response paper we have highlight some key important points:
- The development and implementation of a new Early Years Language Programme to support every Deaf child and their family at home from birth to the beginning of primary education.
- New funding of highly experienced Deaf BSL workers to visit and support Deaf children and their families to develop a bi-cultural environment at home.
- Deaf Education policy to be consistent across Scotland. To achieve this, we call for a new national Deaf Education commissioning team to oversee Deaf Education across Scotland, with responsibility for implementing the Early Years Language Programme, new regional centres of excellences, specialist training and high quality support provisions for Deaf children in rural or remote areas.
- We want to see more qualified Educational interpreters with BSL Level 6 and more highly skilled Deaf BSL- using professionals achieving BSL Level 6. This will help towards better educational achievement, qualifications and job opportunities!
- Link to the new BSL (Scotland) Act 2015, we call on the Scottish Government to set up an internal working group to review Deaf Education with a mandate to make the huge changes necessary for the futures of our Deaf children and young people.