Text transcript of the BSL video:
We would like to welcome you to join to this Facebook group – British Sign Language (Scotland) Act (2015).
We are excited with a new Facebook group about the BSL (Scotland) Act, which will be an exciting ongoing engagement with Deaf community.
This Facebook group is for topics to be discussed in relation to the BSL (Scotland) Act.
We will be running the Facebook group on behalf of the Deaf Sector Partnership (DSP) which is working with the Scottish Government to support BSL. The DSP includes BDA Scotland, SCoD, Deaf Action, Deaf Connections and Deafblind Scotland, as well as Scottish Government and Voluntary Action Fund (VAF).
We would like you to enjoy this group and contribute well with ideas and solutions, so that the BSL (Scotland) Act and its next stages are well informed through your contributions.
Yours in BSL.
Thank you.
Avril Hepner
Community Development Manager