Hello, I’m Helen. I work for the BDA Scotland and I’m based in Glasgow. I’m organising a BSL tour of Paisley Abbey.
A BSL interpreter will be provided and the tour will enable you to learn about the history of the site and the building, its architecture, etc. The tour will take in the grounds and the inside of the abbey. It’s a really beautiful place. The original church was founded there in the sixth century and the site has remained an important place of worship to the present day.
The tour will be on Tuesday, the 19th of March. We’re aiming to arrive around 10:30am which will give us time for tea and coffee and biscuits before looking round. The tour should last until around 12 noon.
The cost of the tour is £2.50 per person and that covers cost of the tea and coffee. The location postcode, if you need it for getting there, is Paisley, PA1 1JG. There is more information on the poster. The deadline for booking is Wednesday, the 13th of March so please contact me soon if you plan to come.
It would be great to see you there. It promises to be a fun day.