Update – 17/09/2016
The British Deaf Association is proud to launch its pioneering “Signing Families Day” this Saturday 17th September 2016, which is being promoted via a short video which can be viewed on ‘Signing Families Day’ event page – click here.
The celebration this year coincides with the first anniversary of the passing of the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 by the Scottish Parliament last year. We intend this to be
Our objective is to spread the word on the enjoyment, enthusiasm and fulfilment that families and deaf children derive daily from coming together to learn and use Sign Language.
The BDA is asking everyone to upload a short video in BSL to social media with the positive message that “Sign Language is Cool”, using #SigningFamilies.
“This Saturday we are calling on all families, children and young people to upload short videos to celebrate how the use of sign language has made a real difference to their lives!” Dr Terry Riley OBE, Chair of the BDA.
“In the time I have spent working with deaf children and young people over the last three years I have seen how important it is to involve whole families in communicating with their deaf children. Inclusive language learning leads to a more confident and happier child!” Sue Barry, the BDA’s Deaf Roots and Pride UK project manager.
About the British Deaf Association
The British Deaf Association (BDA), is a registered charity in England, Wales and Scotland, was founded in 1890. BDA is the only Deaf-led organisation that represents the Deaf community. Its two main objectives
The BDA stands for Deaf Equality, Access and Freedom of Choice and its work is focused on Deaf people being independent and able to make informed decisions. Deaf people can do anything a hearing person can – they just use a different language to do it. The charity champions the rights of Deaf people to use their first language – British Sign Language, which is a language in its own right, separate and distinct from spoken English.
For more information, please contact:
David Buxton at the BDA
T: +44 (0)20 7697 4140
E: directorcc@bda.org.uk